What You Should Know About Buying a Used School Bus

Buying a used vehicle can be a difficult experience, as you have no way of knowing exactly what quality of vehicle you are going to get. It gets even more difficult in the field of specialty vehicles, as there are fewer resellers and a smaller market than with standard used vehicles. Specialty Vehicles are often … Continued

Innovations in Modern School Bus Design

At a glance, school buses look a lot like they did 50 years ago. However, a closer inspection would reveal plenty of useful and modern innovations that make them safer and more efficient. In today’s blog article, we will discuss some of these innovations. Fuel Source The first modern change worth mentioning is school buses … Continued

How School Bus Designs Have Changed Over the Years

The history of school buses in North America dates back to the mid 1800s, when children in rural areas rode in wagons pulled by horses. Obviously, there have been many changes since that time. In today’s blog article, we are going to talk about the evolution of school bus design including what has changed and … Continued

Primary Safety Features of School Buses in Canada

School buses are considered the safest form of student transportation, and they are built to conform to strict federal standards. The safety features of school buses in Canada are governed by Transport Canada and the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, which Transport Canada established. In today’s blog article, we are going to talk about what … Continued

Why Choose Blue Bird School Buses?

The Blue Bird Corporation has been manufacturing a full line of Type A, C, and D school buses since 1927. In other words, this company has over 100 years of specializing in school buses. The company employs thousands of people in Georgia where it is based, and the brand is synonymous with safety, quality, durability, … Continued

School Bus Winterizing Checklist

Hopefully you have regularly scheduled maintenance for all your buses. And experienced bus maintenance crews will know what needs to be done before winter. Nevertheless, we are going to summarize for you, here, what should be on every school bus winterizing checklist. Tires Tires need to be check for wear and tear and tread depth. … Continued

School Bus Sizes and Types

In North America there are mainly four types and sizes of school buses. They are Type A, B, C, and D. In this blog we will go through what the differences are between them. Type A Type A buses are the smallest. They are designed on a cutaway van chassis for about 10 passengers and … Continued

How Is School Bus Safety Regulated in Canada?

School buses are an important means of transport in Canada. To ensure there is tight security and safety for students, there are many regulations and rules given by governing bodies. The existing rules build confidence and trust among parents that their kids are safe. In Canada, the provincial and federal governments share the responsibility for … Continued

Top 5 Things to Consider When Buying a New School Bus

Buying a new school bus is a big step. This blog will help you to make an informed purchasing decision. It’s always good to know what questions to ask before going to look at buses at the showroom or yard. Here are 5 important things to consider before you buy a new school bus. Dealer: … Continued

Winterization Musts for Western Canada School Buses

School buses can be exposed to critical winter conditions. Winter months can be hard on Western Canada school buses, especially in Alberta. The addition of snow, ice, and cold weather to school buses can lead to rust, engine breakdown, and tire damage. Coming up with a maintenance strategy is the best plan for keeping drivers … Continued

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