Safety Tips for Winter Bus Driving

Driving any type of vehicle in winter can be treacherous. Snow, ice, and even rain can present road hazards that are visible as well as unseen and especially scary hazards. What looks like a shallow puddle may turn out to be something too deep to drive through. Black ice on the road is essentially invisible, … Continued

The Importance of Customer Service in the Bus Transportation Industry

Bus service providers are held to extremely high standards when it comes to providing good customer service. Naturally, people have fairly high expectations for service they receive, and can be especially quick to complain if things aren’t comfortable. If your business transports people by custom bus, you probably want to ensure the comfort and security … Continued

How to Choose the Right Custom Bus

Buying a customized bus can help your transportation business thrive. It can also make everything you do more convenient, whether you’re customizing for tourism, seniors or passengers with disabilities, or other reasons. Before you buy a custom bus, consider all the details that will make a difference for you and your passengers. That way you’ll … Continued

What to Expect from a Bus Maintenance Program

Do you need a preventative maintenance program to ensure your bus or buses don’t break down unexpectedly? Preventative maintenance can not only prevent big problems, it will help to ensure that your bus lasts as long as possible. If you have a fleet and need a full fleet maintenance program, you’ll benefit from staying on … Continued

Tips for Ordering Bus Parts

The most important steps of ordering the right bus parts will be finding out what kind of bus you have, what year it was made, and whether or not you can find the right parts for it. However, if you’re not sure what kind of part you need, it’ll take a bit more work to … Continued

What Should I Look for When Buying a Used School Bus?

Buying a used school bus can save you thousand sof dollars compared to a new one, but you also run the risk of purchasing something that you aren’t happy with. Used school bus shopping is somewhat like looking for a used car to buy, simply because you have to be a bit more selective than … Continued

What are the Top Uses for Custom Tour/Shuttle Buses?

People buy custom buses and shuttles for avariety of reasons. Some of the most common are obvious. Institutions that givetours and provide transportation are probably the most obvious, such as tour guidesand groups. But other people buy customer tour buses to literally take on tour. Below are the most common uses for custom tour or … Continued

Why Buy a Custom Tour or Shuttle Bus?

The simple answer is that the wide variety of needs for shuttle busses and tour busses requires a wide variety of custom bus solutions. A large proportion of the custom busses purchased in BC are designed to accommodate people in wheelchairs or with other physical mobility restrictions. From lifts to ramps, and special low-floor busses, … Continued

Why is Regular Bus Maintenance Important?

Regular Bus Maintenance – A Critical Part of Owning Buses In any business, it can be easy to stay focused on the day-to-day tasks and not notice how quickly time is passing. But the very things that keep your business running need regularly scheduled maintenance.In industries that require buses, this couldn’t be truer. What would … Continued

Are seatbelts required on buses?

Are seatbelts required on buses? -Luke Smithers, BC ——————————————————————————————————– Great Question! A variety of seatbelt options are available: Non-Retracting Lap Belts, Retractable Lap Belts, 3 Point Seatbelts (shoulder harness and lap belt) and even seats with integrated child-seat harnesses. Dynamic Bus Sales stocks a variety of seatbelt options to meet your needs. We can provide … Continued

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