What is New in the Tour Bus Industry in 2017?

The tour bus industry is potentially on the verge of some exciting new announcements for 2017, including new safety, technology, and comfort systems. Over the last decade, British Columbia has seen a decrease in the crash rates of tour busses – a decrease of an average of 5.4 percent per year. With evolving safety technology, … Continued

What Bus Will Suit Your Needs Best? | Questions To Ask

If you are looking for a custom bus or school bus for sale in the BC area, there are some essential questions to ask yourself. First and foremost: How will you use the bus? Your answer to this first question will tell you whether you need a great number of presentable passenger seats or a … Continued

Used School Buses: Where Else Can They Be Used?

School buses can bring on feelings of nostalgia, and memories of school days and former friends whom you haven’t seen in a long time. You certainly have no trouble identifying a school bus because everyone knows their iconic shape and color. But, what happens when those buses become too old or outdated to safely transport … Continued

What’s New in Customized Bus Sales

If you’re looking for a mid-sized bus and want to know what’s new in the market, you may be in for a surprise. Gone are the days of the “one-size-fits-all”, and the “take-it-or-leave-it” mentality. Today’s customized buses come with a whole new range of options and features that cover not only safety and comfort, but … Continued

New or Used? What you need to know about buying a School Bus

Dynamic Specialty has been restoring and customizing buses since 1987 and we have expanded our business to become one of Canada’s largest supplier of small to mid-sized buses. We are one of the primary suppliers of customized buses in BC and have also become one of the main sources for used school bus sales. If … Continued

What Are Alternate Fuels?

Modern Buses Are Ready For Revised Fuel Choices We have all spent time on a bus at one time or another, from the classic yellow school bus to city transit buses and long distance transportation buses from one city to another. But gone are the days when we can count on polluting fossil fuels such … Continued

Using A Bus For Your Business Shuttle Services

A business shuttle can be a lucrative and useful service, helping you deal with parking issues, while promoting green initiatives within your business. By using a vehicle to run a scheduled pick up and drop off service you are enabling more employees and guests to use public transit, and ensuring safety by bringing people straight … Continued

The Importance of Wheelchair Accessible Public Vehicles

All people deserve access to transportation. It is not just a good decision ethically – it is likely part of the law where you reside. If you are involved in public vehicle transit, you need to understand the importance of making your vehicles wheelchair accessible. People who use wheelchairs are faced with numerous challenges when … Continued

The Importance of A Bus Preventive Maintenance Program

When you have your fleet of buses serviced, you know that they will be safe on the road and that any risks associated with keeping your buses running has been reduced. To keep your buses running optimally and efficiently, you want them to be a part of a fleet maintenance service. Why be so concerned … Continued

Buying a Bus? How to Make the Most of Your Purchase

Buying a bus is a great way to expand your business or start a new one. Bus-based businesses are an innovative way to keep your employment flexible and fun, but first, you need a bus! There are many companies offering bus sales out there, so it’s a good idea to do a bit of research … Continued

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