Choosing Between a New and Pre-Owned Shuttle Bus

If you need to add one or more shuttle buses to your line-up, you may be wondering if it is better to buy new or buy used. The answer to that question is not cut and dry. In this article we will explain why. Longevity Buses can last a long time. That is if they … Continued

School Bus Sizes and Types

In North America there are mainly four types and sizes of school buses. They are Type A, B, C, and D. In this blog we will go through what the differences are between them. Type A Type A buses are the smallest. They are designed on a cutaway van chassis for about 10 passengers and … Continued

Pros and Cons of Gas versus Diesel Bus Engines

When it comes to gas versus diesel bus engines, there are pros and cons to both types of fuels and engines. The most important thing is determining exactly how the bus will be used and then choosing the engine type that fits the right balance between budget, fuel efficiency, and performance. Diesel Engines Diesel engines … Continued

Safety Tips for Safe Western Canada Winter Bus Operations

Winter driving in western Canada can be hazardous and risky. Drivers should learn to adjust your driving skills for poor visibility and slippery roads during winter. It is always better to prevent an accident than to recover from one. This blog lists some useful safety tips that you should apply when operating your bus during … Continued

How Is School Bus Safety Regulated in Canada?

School buses are an important means of transport in Canada. To ensure there is tight security and safety for students, there are many regulations and rules given by governing bodies. The existing rules build confidence and trust among parents that their kids are safe. In Canada, the provincial and federal governments share the responsibility for … Continued

Winterization Musts for Western Canada School Buses

School buses can be exposed to critical winter conditions. Winter months can be hard on Western Canada school buses, especially in Alberta. The addition of snow, ice, and cold weather to school buses can lead to rust, engine breakdown, and tire damage. Coming up with a maintenance strategy is the best plan for keeping drivers … Continued

What to Look for in a Used Bus or Passenger Van

Buying a used bus or a passenger van is a big undertaking, and requires some critical decision making. In this blog, you will find some important points and tips that will help you in deciding on a used bus or a passenger van. Use our helpful tips so that you can make a cost-effective decision. … Continued

What’s Involved With Winter Bus Maintenance?

Buses are regularly exposed to extreme winter conditions. The addition of snow, ice, and cold weather can result in tire slippage, engine rust, and all kinds of trouble. Buses, like vehicles, run differently in winter than in summer. Coming up with a year-round maintenance strategy that can be adjusted as needed, is the right way … Continued

What is a Paratransit Bus Configuration?

What is a Paratransit Bus Configuration? Answer: Paratransit is a word that refers to special transportation services for people with disabilities. When we consider the wide range of disabilities that people may have, it shows the need for flexible and specialized buses for transportation. When looking for a mobility bus for sale, it is important … Continued

Benefits of Regular Bus Maintenance

Regular bus maintenance in BC is vital for the health and prolonged life of your vehicle. Bus maintenance is important to ensuring that your vehicle is working as it should, and not breaking down at the wrong time. There are several benefits to regular fleet maintenance, such as: – Preventing Break Downs – Improving Safety … Continued

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