The Importance of Buses in Rural and Remote Communities in BC and AB
There is no doubt that buses are extremely important in rural and remote communities in British Columbia and Alberta. There are several reasons for this which we are going to outline today in our blog article.
Owning a Vehicle
For those who do not own a vehicle, buses and public transportation are a lifeblood. When you live in a city, then it may not be difficult to walk to restaurants or medical appointments or the grocery store. However, it more remote areas, this becomes impossible. If there are no buses, then one often cannot go and do the most basic errands.
To Own or Not to Own
If one owns a vehicle that is not in great condition, the advantage of living in a city is that if the vehicle breaks down, it may not be difficult to arrange a tow or catch a ride with someone else or call for help. When you live in a rural area, a vehicle that breaks down can leave you completely stranded. Phones may not be available, cell service may not work, and there may not be regular traffic for flagging down some help.
What this means is that very often those who might own a vehicle in the city, may choose not to own one because the risks of being stranded are much higher. These people who do not have a vehicle rely completely on transportation like in buses.
Lack of Services
Another reason why buses are so important is the complete lack of services in rural areas. For example, in more populated areas, there may be a wealth of delivery services for things like food or prescriptions. This may not exist in a rural area, which means unless you go, yourself, to pick up what you need, you cannot get it.
Making available a bus or shuttle service can be a giant marketing advantage in rural and remote areas. For those who own or manage apartment buildings or businesses or complexes, being able to offer rides to residents or employees can be a huge factor in attracting business. Buses can make the difference between someone choosing to live or work in a rural area or not.
If you would like more information about owning a bus, here, in Canada, or starting a shuttle service, call us at our toll-free number (888) 416-9333, and we can help you.
Dynamic Specialty Vehicles has been supplying and servicing mid-sized buses for over 30 years. With long-term contracts with demanding clients like BC Ambulance and BC Transit, Dynamic Specialty Vehicles knows how to keep their clients safe and their buses running smoothly.
If you have any questions about this article or would like further information about buses and/or services, please call us on our Toll-Free number, (888) 416-9333.