The Evolution of Bus Design Over the Years

The Evolution of Bus Design Over the Years

While it may not be readily obvious, buses have evolved over the years in important ways. In today’s blog article, we are going to discuss some of the ways that buses have evolved.


You may not realize it, but pneumatic or air-filled tires are a fairly recent invention. While the concept was patented in the mid 1800s for bicycles, these types of tires were not used for vehicles until the early twentieth century.

So, in history, first there was the (stone) wheel, then the wooden wheel, then wooden wheels were covered in leather, then wooden wheels were covered with metal, then vulcanized rubber, then pneumatic tires. Imagine riding in a bus with wooden wheels and no tires.


Engines have evolved to be more fuel efficient, quieter, and today, to run on several different types of fuel including electricity, gasoline, diesel, hydrogen cells, and propane, to name a few.


All buses are more comfortable than they used to be. Buses from around 1900 did not always have even walls to keep out the weather. Seats have become more comfortable, and modern technology has made life easier for the driver. Now there are more and better racks for stowing articles and luggage than existed previously.


Safety is a big issue that has drastically evolved. Many buses now have GPS locators to keep track of them, which helps the authorities find them if they run off course. Some buses have seat belts, although school buses often do not because the theory is that they offer safety through compartmentalization.

There are more and better exits from bus, which are even labeled, something that did not exist 100 years ago. Many buses now have cameras, too, for viewing the rear and recording what happens inside and outside.


Buses are much more accessible than they used to be. There are buses that kneel to pick up passengers and buses with lifts for wheelchairs, just to cite two examples.

While the exteriors of buses shift with the times, just like for automobiles, every part of a bus has gone through major changes to make riding in a bus safer, more comfortable, and more economic, year by year.


If you would like more information about buses and vans in Canada, call us at our toll-free number (888) 416-9333, and we can help you.


Dynamic Specialty Vehicles has been supplying and servicing mid-sized buses in Western Canada for over 30 years. We have branches in Metro Vancouver, Edmonton, and Calgary that service British Columbia and Alberta.  With long-term contracts with demanding clients like BC Ambulance and BC Transit, Dynamic Specialty Vehicles knows how to keep their clients safe and their buses running smoothly.

If you have any questions about this article or would like further information about buses and/or services, please call us on our Toll-Free number, (888) 416-9333.

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