Extend Your Lower Mainland Bus Fleet Life With Preventative Maintenance

Extend Your Lower Mainland Bus Fleet Life With Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance is very important for all kinds of motor vehicles including buses. And no matter what kind of fuel source your buses use, they still need regular preventative maintenance. In today’s blog article, we want to talk about why preventative maintenance will extend the life of your bus fleet.

Not everyone performs preventative maintenance, but that is a mistake. There is no doubt that preventative maintenance helps your buses last longer. Why? Below, we will offer some examples.


Stay on top of tire wear patterns. Do tires need to be rotated? Do they need to be balanced? If you never let professionals check your tires, you will not know you have a problem until you have a flat. Or you might be operating the bus illegally because the tires are no longer safe.


You need to know if your oil is clean, dirty, or even at the right level. If you have a slow leak and keep driving, you can irreversibly damage the engine. Get small leaks fixed before they are big leaks and you are stranded with a bunch of tourists on board.


Dirty buses, inside or out, wear faster. Dirt has a corrosive effect on everything it touches including flooring and paint. If you have a fleet of buses for business use, it is in the best interest of your business to keep the buses spotless.

Gauges and Lights and Indicators

All of these need to be inspected and tested regularly to make sure they work and work right. These are absolutely critical for your safety and the safety of your passengers. Never take regular bus maintenance for granted because it protects you, your passengers, and your buses.

If you would like more information about bus maintenance, here, in Canada, or starting a shuttle service, call us at our toll-free number (888) 416-9333, and we can help you.


Dynamic Specialty Vehicles has been supplying and servicing mid-sized buses for over 30 years. With long-term contracts with demanding clients like BC Ambulance and BC Transit, Dynamic Specialty Vehicles knows how to keep their clients safe and their buses running smoothly.

If you have any questions about this article or would like further information about buses and/or services, please call us on our Toll-Free number, (888) 416-9333.

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