A Guide to Bus Accessibility Standards and Regulations in Canada

A Guide to Bus Accessibility Standards and Regulations in Canada

In Canada, accessibility on buses is governed by the Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Regulation. The specific section governing bus regulations is Part 3, Division 4 and it details the various standards and regulations that need to be met by bus carriers in Canada. In today’s blog we will be providing a helpful guide to the bus accessibility standards and regulations, so you best know the standards you need to meet for your bus.

Regulations for Stops

If a bus is making stops at bus terminals or other locations that do not have mobility aids for passengers with disabilities then the bus must be equipped with a lift, ramp or bridge plate in order to facilitate the boarding of passengers with disabilities. If requested, extra time must be allotted to allow passengers with disabilities to board ahead of other passengers.


Section 188 details the technical requirements for lifts on buses, these requirements are that the lift must have handrails on either side, be capable of supporting a minimum weight of 272 kg and have a slip resistant surface.

Ramps and Bridge Plates

Section 189 details the technical requirements for ramps or bridge plates on buses. These requirements are that a ramp or bridge plate that is needed to assist a person with a disability needs to be able to support a minimum of 272 kg, needs to have a contrasting color strip that runs along its bottom edge, must have raised edges to prevent the rolling of mobility aids and must have a slip resistant surface.


Stairs have their own set of regulations as well, detailed in section 192. Stairs whether used for boarding or movement inside the bus must have handrails that are located on both sides of the stair, must be located at a uniform height of between 860mm to 920mm measured vertically from the leading edge of the tread, must have tactile attention indicator strips placed at the top of the stairs, must have indicators strips that commence one tread length before the top and must extend the full width of the stairs and must be equipped with lighting that accentuates the steps and handrails.


The first row of passenger seats on either side of the bus must be designated as priority seats for persons with disabilities and must include signage that designates them as such. There must also be signage that indicates that a seat must be vacated if a priority seat is required by an individual with a disability. If an additional passenger seat is required by the person with a disability an additional seat must be provided on request.

Grab Bars and Handholds

The regulations governing grab bars and handholds are that they must be sturdy, rounded and free of any sharp or abrasive elements, they must have a diameter that enables them to be easily grasped, must be color contrasted with the rest of the bus, must have a slip resistant surface, must be located near to mobility aid spaces and priority seating areas as well as on either side of the doors, the bars near the door must also be reachable from ground level and the bars must be evenly distributed throughout the bus to provide mobility assistance to persons with disabilities.

Safety Information


If there are any passenger safety cards on the bus at least two of them must be available in large print and at least two of them must be available in braille. There must also be at least one electronic device capable of providing safety information in an audio or visual format that allows for the adjustment of volume and size of font. Lastly, any emergency exits must be clearly indicated with contrasting color strips and braille signage.

We hope that we have been able to provide you with a helpful guide to the accessibility standards and regulations in Canada. If you would like more information about bus accessibility standards, here, in Canada, call us at our toll-free number (888) 416-9333, and we can help you.

Dynamic Specialty Vehicles has been supplying and servicing mid-sized buses for over 30 years. With long-term contracts with demanding clients like BC Ambulance and BC Transit, Dynamic Specialty Vehicles knows how to keep their clients safe and their buses running smoothly.

If you have any questions about this article or would like further information about buses and/or services, please call us on our Toll-Free number, (888) 416-9333.

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